Chapter 2
So begins week two. Elli managed to get herself a nicer bed and a bit more wall. Painting sure is paying off for our founder. At this rate she'll have a house built before the next generation takes over. Hopefully the next heir is just as ambitious.

Keeping up the grind at work, Elli had very little time for any social activity. She managed to keep in touch with the Grim Reaper and of course Ian. It wasn't long before she decided against a big wedding. On her budget it made the most sense just to elope with her love...and that is exactly what they did. Late one evening after another very successful date, Elli put the question to her lover. Of course he accepted on the spot and the two said there vows in the darkness of Elli's half walled home. It was a lovely-ish ceremony..It was kinda hard to see and really rather quiet, but the two seemed pleased. Life was off to a good start. They had love and a little bit of cash in the bank.
They spent there wedding night at home in the dark. Elli even managed to have enough funds to build an actual bedroom for the two. At least they could have some privacy on their first night together. What couple doesn't want that?
Ahhh, wedded bliss. After a joyous evening Elli went back to the work week grind. So much to do, so little time. She really wants to have a little nest egg set up before they start having children...Or child.

And it's a good thing too. Elli surprised Ian the next night with some big news...They were expecting! Our young couple was ecstatic. They didn't even seem to notice they still lived in a shack with no lighting, flooring or wallpaper.

Well, I suppose all that really matters is that this young family is happy. However they hadn't counted on Ian being abducted by aliens in the middle of the night. A few days later he started to go through early signs of pregnancy. This was NOT in the plans and they quickly decided it was best to send the baby back to it's home world. They barely had the money for one child, two would be impossible.
Well Elli worked Ian spent his days at the gym. Or did until her became too pregnant. That belly was awkward.
Ian also celebrated his rise to adulthood, having a quiet birthday at home..with the lights off and his love a his side.
Elli has becoming as large as a house..and she spends all her time taking pictures of her food..maybe if she would eat it she wouldn't be so hungry all the time?

Early in the wee hours of the morning Elli went into labour. She rushed to the hospital..the very worst hospital she has ever encountered...Which is saying something as she's never been to a hospital before..She stood there at the front desk for hours on end, well the receptionist played video games and ignored her pleas for help. During this ordeal she decided next time she would have a home birth. If they decided to have a next time of course.
Introducing our First Heir:::
C'Nedra Fandrangle
Baby Girl
Born to Ian and Ellissindra Fandrangle
Isn't she just precious? Elli sure thinks so. she loves her so much she won't even change out of her hospital gown. Not that the hospital did her much good, but these starched linens are the best!
The baby came just in time for Elli to jet off to work and leave her home with Dad. Home life is starting to look up, I think they might even be able to afford lights soon..maybe some flooring too!
And here ends week two...stay tuned for more in the next chapter..Housing updates, birthdays and quality family time. <3
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